Off And Running

September came on like a freight train. Time has sped up so much so that the days fly by almost without notice. And yet the calendar is steadily marching ahead toward departure day. It’s like being in some sort of vortex. Getting ready to leave for points unknown is a very strange thing to plan for. It’s not like packing for a trip because there are no finite number of days to consider. And it’s not like packing to move - despite the fact that we kind of are moving, because our home will remain our home we just won’t be living in it. I do have some idea of the climate and the weather that I can expect for the near future, but after the next few months I don’t know where we’ll be so I’m not sure. Nothing feels certain at the moment - except that I intend to be on that plane to Turkey in just under a week.

Once we land we will stay in an airbnb for a couple of weeks while the boat is being completed and is readied for the transfer of ownership. This will take place with a Turkish captain aboard who will pilot the boat into international waters where we will then sign the documents and take ownership. In the interim, we will scout out the department stores and chandleries for everything from silverware and towels to boat hooks, courtesy flags and engine service kits. And of course we will be visiting the factory and watching the final tests being conducted.

Will it all fit?

Meanwhile back at home, we have piles of things growing on the bedroom floor as well as in the garage. Each day we filter through clothes, tools and all the stuff of daily life. The airlines will let us bring two 50# checked bags each, so we will need to distribute our items carefully. The weight of the luggage itself plus the weight of the tools we are bringing total a whooping 85#! That doesn’t leave much room for the rest of my pile (because you know - SHOES!). Furthermore, space is quite limited onboard so I have to be very deliberate about what to pack. The next step is to sort it into separate piles: the things I need right now, the things I can pick up later, and those things I either realistically don’t need or can perhaps pick up inexpensively in Turkey. Luckily we will be returning home briefly in November so I have a buffer. I can bring back that which I brought and really don’t need, and pick up anything I neglected to bring initially that I really want.

We are also actively working towards preparing the barn to be winter ready. Our friends, and a few relatives, will be using it in our absence so we are not shutting it down. But in preparation we still need to change all the batteries in the keyless door locks and all the smoke detectors, remove all food, empty the freezers, go to recycling, prep the driveway for plowing and the generator for power outages, and cancel tv/newspaper/magazine subscriptions - among other things.

Lastly, I have been visiting with my people and making my goodbyes. Each walk or hike, conversation, or shared meal feels bitter sweet. I’m grateful for my friends for the years of fun, craziness and laughter. I’m grateful for them calling me out when I need to be, for being a sounding board and supporting me when I need it. I’m so incredibly grateful for these people in my life.

I’m also grateful for my three beautiful, brilliant, remarkable, grounded children who never cease to amaze me with what they accomplish; how giving, compassionate and wise they are. They are my greatest teachers, are pure joy and inspiration, radiate love, and are always there to support the people in their lives. They make my heart resonate with gratitude and pride, and I am in awe of them every day. They make me a better person, and are absolutely what makes it possible for me to embark on this next chapter.


We made it to Turkey.


Family Love and the Alluring Unknown